Luciana Torrents

City Capital Chemist
27-29 Brisbane Street
Launceston Tasmania 7250
April 2011
I have been a pharmacist for the past 20years and Community pharmacy is my main focus.
Mr William Carbray first came into my pharmacy looking for incontinence supplies for his mother. Having a naturally inquisitive engineering mind the EZYUPS device was born from an unmet need that he saw for her.
Mr Carbray often consulted with me and reviewed the applications of the easy-up device. Clearly there is a very real need in our aging population for such a device, which would quite clearly reduce falls, maintain client independence and most importantly their dignity.
I discussed with Mr Carbray that whilst initially the idea evolved from an incontinence need by a family member, the application of the easy-up device could be wide spread to include all clients with dexterity.
Issues such as Multiple Sclerosis clients, pregnant women ( especially in last trimester ). Parkinsons clients. overweight clients and clients with spinal injuries. Such a simple, easy to use device could realistically reduce carer hours in aged care facilities and reduce family hour which might have meant time away from their jobs.
The EZYUPS allows the client more independence which would result in changes of soiled clothing being made more regularly and frequently thereby reducing- chaffing, recurring bladder infections and potentially renal complications. This reduces GP and hospital interventions which by my calculation would be a lot more costly for the public health system.
Mr Carbray should be congratulated on a well compiled and unique product. He has considered all aspects of the EZYUPS development taking into consideration ease of transport, compactness, durability of the product.
Mr Carbray has sought medical advice from several health care professionals and medical companies, ensuring all aspects of the product's quality, availability and accessibility have been addressed. Good Luck with your venture and I look forward to recommending the product to our pharmacy clients in the future.
Luciana Torrents
B Pharm